Benefits Of Getting Custom Kitchen Cabinets

kitchen cabinets

Your kitchen should be a place where you are comfortable with but how does one get to making his or her kitchen feel more at home? This just doesn’t have to do with getting the best knives or kitchenware. It’s also about customizing your kitchen as much as possible. When it comes to comfort and functionality, nothing screams “the best” other than custom kitchen cabinets.

Chances are that your home already had kitchen cabinets pre-installed when you bought it. These are actually great as these allow you to store your stuff – ingredients and cookware alike, as properly as possible. However, there will come a time that you feel the need to shake things up. This is when people finally consider getting custom cabinets for their kitchen.

What are custom kitchen cabinets you ask? Simply put, they are fixtures that are tailor-made to keep you comfortable inside the kitchen. How it works is that designers will ask you what kind of kitchen cabinets you actually want installed in your home. Of course, we understand why you may have doubts about it considering that these are a bit pricey.

Having your own custom cabinets has a ton of benefits which is why many people consider making the investment for themselves immediately. If you are one of those that want to see how good these types of cabinets are then look no further. We’ve got the rundown on some of the benefits you can expect from these custom kitchen cabinets.

They’re Made To Fit Any Kitchen

By the name itself, you can already see what the main asset of having custom kitchen cabinets are. They are made to fit any kitchen. If you’re hoping to get your kitchen remodeled, then it’s best that you go and have your cabinets customized too. This is to ensure that your cabinets are going to fit well with the overall look of your new kitchen.

Some pre-built cabinets in homes are also oddly proportioned. They make you feel awkward and tight inside the kitchen which is why many people eventually get the pros to customize their cabinets for them. In some cases, kitchens don’t have cabinets. Instead of buying pre-made cabinets, it’s much better to buy custom cabinets instead.

Kitchens that have an odd shape mostly have no cabinets because it’s tough to find pre-made ones that are a perfect fit. These modern kitchens are made with the comfort of the homeowner in mind which is why they feature unique proportions. As such, for these types of kitchens, high-end custom cabinets are a must.

Increase Your Storage Capacity

One common problem that you and other homeowners have with pre-made kitchen  cabinets is that the storage capacity is very limited. It’s either the compartments are too small, or that the compartments have an odd shape to them which make it hard to store goods like bottles, boxes, and other things that you place on a kitchen cabinet.

If this is one of your problems, you should consider getting your own cabinets customized. This allows you to have a kitchen cabinet that perfectly fits your needs. It’s important that you have a large storage capacity for your kitchen cabinet especially if you love to cook. You need to have enough space to keep your ingredients in. 

Some homeowners that get custom kitchen cabinets even request for specific dimensions which can fit the common ingredients that they use while cooking. It takes a lot of practice and know-how to create a kitchen cabinet that has a lot of storage space but doesn’t actually take up much space in your kitchen.

It Accommodates Your EVERY NEED

The great thing about these cabinets is that they are tailor-made for you. This means even the height of the cabinets as well as their handle placements are made to ensure that you’re being considered. Of course, we are talking about your height here. Some homeowners get kitchen cabinets that are far beyond their reach.

Not only does it make using the kitchen cabinet hard and uncomfortable, it also make it potentially dangerous as they are reaching for objects that are far off their reach. The best custom cabinets allow you to maximize your storage space while making you as comfortable as possible when using them.

Professional designers can incorporate all of your needs when making the cabinets. Just simply tell them what your preferences are and they’ll give you access to an excellent selection of ways on how you can customize your kitchen even further. Your kitchen will never be as comfortable again once you get your cabinets customized.

You Can Design Your Own Cabinets

It’s always fun when you get to personalize the stuff in your house so why not take it up a step further by designing your own cabinets for yourself? If you want to and if you feel you have the touch to do it, you can ask the contractors to follow a design of your own making. This helps you create the kitchen of your dreams which you are definitely going to want to visit again and again.

You can pick anything right from the type of material you want to use for the cabinets, the paint finish, as well as the overall shape of the cabinets too. Understandably, you might not want to pick the design yourself as you might not be confident in your design skills. Don’t worry though as semi custom cabinets means the cabinets are going to be partiall customized to your liking.

If doesn’t even have to be kitchen cabinets, You can also ask contractors to make other types of cabinets for you. They can do almost any furniture so long as you ask for it. But since we are talking about cabinets for the kitchen here, it’s best that you understand the common design trends in them first.

You Take Control Of The Budget

A common problem when buying pre-made kitchen cabinets is that the price is already set. You can’t get a discount most of the time and it’s difficult to bargain with some sellers. The good news is that with custom kitchen cabinets, you own the budget. You are free to designate the budget you want for the cabinets but make sure that you stay realistic. There’s no such thing as a kitchen cabinet that’s worth $100 you know.

However, it’s worth noting that there are affordable custom cabinets as well. Just tell the contractors that you aren’t looking to spend extravagant amounts for the kitchen cabinet and they’ll try their best to create something that’s cheap but regal-looking at the same time.  To accommodate your budget needs, the contractors will be wise about various factors such as the materials you want to use.

When you are buying pre-made cabinets, you don’t have the chance to lower the price on a cabinet that you want. It would be much better if you simply  have a contractor custom-make the cabinets themselves. It will give your home a unique identity as there isn’t going to be another house with the same kitchen cabinet like it.

It’s also worth noting that unique house items increase the value of your home. If you are hoping to sell your house in the future, then it’s worth noting that the custom kitchen cabinets are going to up its value by a significant margine. That’s because the cabinets add a unique touch to your home unlike your other standard fixtures.

Better Craftsmanship And Durability

Perhaps the biggest plus that you need to consider when getting these cabinets is that they are better made. They aren’t made in a factory. They are certainly not rushed to accommodate the house you just bought. The best semi custom cabinets are made with a lot of heart and dedication and that says a lot about their durability and overall finish.

If you want kitchen cabinets that will alst for a long time, then you need to go for ones that are custom made. What’s great about such cabniets is that they are made as is. The contractors aren’t distracted by any other work so they can focus on what they can do to your cabinet.

Regular pre-made cabinets are also great but they pale in comparison to the craftsmanship and durability that you’ll find in custom-made cabinets. If you really want to feel the difference, check out pre-made cabinets in a furniture store and then compare it with the samples that contractors will give you. You’ll be surprised at how big the disparity is.

Kitchen cabinets are a big part of your kitchen. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, these cabinets are also highly functional and they can help make things easier inside your house. If you don’t want the trouble that comes with using standard kitchen cabinets, then it’s imperative that you choose custom cabinets instead.

Call us now for free estimate service and consultation or check us on Facebook anytime!

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Picture of Tuncer Dagdelen<span id="position"><h6><b>Owner<h6/></span>
Tuncer Dagdelen

Tuncer Dagdelen is the owner of Gold Kitchen Cabinets & Granite Quartz Countertops. He has been offering quality cabinets for both kitchen and bathroom. Has huge selection of granite, quartz and marble countertops colors. You can find Tuncer on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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